The Politico

Mr. Joe Robert and Mr. Steve Case
A gathering celebrating the Center for International Education at Washington International School was held Sunday at the home of AOL founder Jim Kimsey, though we hear that no one got to see his gym, spa or hair parlor. The event collected, among other things, a $7,000 check from PricewaterhouseCoopers’ vice chairman, Carter Pate.

In addition to furthering the efforts of a worthy cause, the donation earns Pate the right to have Washington Life magazine cover the event of his choice. (We hear the room erupted into laughter when notoriously pub-shy billionaire Steve Case cracked, “I’d pay for them not to write about me!”) So, when you open up a future issue of Washington Life and see an offbeat spread of 600 people cleaning up Anacostia, don’t say you weren’t prepared.

Minister Zheng Zeguang and Mr. Carter Pate

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